Thursday, November 02, 2006

Question Marx

Man, this blog is lame. Really, lame and square. Not at all what I intended. I don't really see the point in getting rid of it. Or even trying to reform it. But not just ignoring it either, I can't do that. Know this though: things will change. Bet on it.

However, I think a side project is totally what I need right now. One that's more of a social event than this. So, I proposed starting a team blog, and there's at least an outside shot of everything actually coming together. A lot still needs to happen, mostly recruiting and such, but if it does, I suspect that most of my creative energy will go into that and most of my complainage will go into this. Because obviously, I'll still need a whining pedestal, ya know?

A few weeks ago I was (evidently, if you read motive soup) wondering what the point of doing this experiment in bloggery was, and since then I've decided that it could be both just for me and to be more connected to other people, but the balance was probably shifted more toward the second one of the two options. So, in achieving that end, it makes less sense than I'm comfortable with to be doing this as a solo act.

Furthermore, despite my best efforts to be real, I'm discovering that the me that occurs in isolation is really just a substandard imitation of the me that happens in a more social context. So, why not use the good version of yourself to do your self-expression when you have the choice? It's basically the same decision as putting gel in your hair, and we do that all the time without fear of condemnation.

Part of humility is not constantly running to cover up your faults. Hence the non-deletion of things I don't entirely know about anymore. But on the other hand, we owe it to each other as people, and even to the one who created you to, as cheesy as it may sound, be the best freakin person you can be. Hence the goal of writing better stuff in the future.

And, if it applies, sorry about any tuna contamination that I might have accidently introduced to the community mayo.

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