Thursday, February 22, 2007

Fobonics as a second language

Those of you that are still with us in radioland, thank you, we're sorry about the technical difficulties. [I'll think of some excuse later and insert it here].

It seems that some, and by some I mean one, of us was confused by my resolve to give up arson for lent. To them, I say: It's a freakin' joke. Of course I'm not really going to give up arson; I will continue to burn buildings down recreationally. Stopping just for lent would be blatant legalism.

I've been told that the common thread that runs between all things funny is the element of the unexpected. I guess I buy into it. Like in the case of the joke above, it's funny because the claim goes in the opposite direction that you expect it to go. Kinda like the tech stock I bought in 2000. Grrrr.

So I wonder, why is Engrish so funny? Is it because my brain expects people to follow the rules of my native language and gets surprised when they don't? Or is it because of some repressed ethnocentrism? Or just straight-up ethnocentrism? I should probably find out eventually, but in the meantime, hopefully I can continue to enjoy things like this trip down memory lane.
Addendum, 2/24/07
After further thought, I've become inclined to pick up a new pet project: the web-based crazy excuse generator. I'll let you know when I have some sort of product ready.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Thank you for the trip down rememory lane....watching that video made me think of the wonderful Japanese pop sensation Green Leaves and their song "Yatta"

Surely, you remember this one too