Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Simpsonic fun

Self-portrait. Kind of.

If you are like me in that you can waste several hours playing around with newly discovered toys, perhaps you should reconsider reading this post, because I am about to advertise for one of said devices.

If you examine this link to the Simpson's movie page, you will find a feature called "Create your own Simpson's avatar" or something like that. I'm not going to insult you by giving some panzy instructions on how to use it, I'm just letting you know it's there.

So, I managed to "Simpsonize" myself and some other people who might read this blog. Without further ado, behold my avatar expo. Five perception points for correctly guessing who is who!










-------------------------- Addendum, 8/30/07 -------------------------
(A) is Tara. Obviously.

(B) is Hiland Overgaard. Nobody got this one.

(C) is phil Hintz, good job

(D) is, in fact, Coral Kuharenko.

(E)is my roommate Jon Schrupp.

(F) is supposed to be Chris Wachter, but I am but a mere man working with the lowly avatar creator, a woefully imperfect tool.

(G)is Dev. Good job Vicki and other contestant.

(H) is supposed to be Nicole, I thought the context of putting it next to Mike's might help with identifying it. I was probably wrong.

(I) is for "impossible to get", its supposed to be my mom at age 30 (I was working from an old picture.) I think I might actually be a little creeped out if anyone but her got that.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

In other news...

This is why going to college is a good thing.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Mid-years resolutions

People who have an excess of this molecule in their blood are sixteen times more likely to be imprisoned.

I was probably a senior in high school when I saw the movie Evil Dead II. It was good for a chuckle but I really doubt it makes many peoples favorites list. I bring it up because there's this part in there where the main dude (Ash) basically has his hand get possessed, and he ends up lobbing it off at the wrist with a chainsaw. I think they were still trying to pass the series as part of the horror genre still, after all. Anyway, I had to wonder if whoever was writing the screenplay was intentionally trying to toe the line of Christian teaching or if it happened by complete accident. You have to admit, that scenario is right there in the bible:

"If your hand cause you to stumble, cut it off; it is better to enter life crippled than, having two hands, to go into hell..."- Mk 9:43

So, if your hand is clearly causing you to sin, cut it off. That part is crystal. The thing that makes this extra hard to apply is that in real life, things are hardly so distinct. When can you save your hand with antibiotics, and when is amputation the best course of action? Hands are a *great* thing to have two of, you know what I mean?

Okay. How this all ties into my woes with testosterone (the molecule you see at the top of the page but still don't care about) isn't what you probably thought of first. My dilemma is that I love playing ultimate frisbee, but lately I can't seem to make it through a game without turning into a total jackmunch. I've always been competetive but things seem to really have gotten out of hand. I criticize my teammates, I glare at the opposition, it's really ridiculous. Ugh. Then I get mad at myself about being mad, because what the crap dude, it's just a stupid game. At that point I have to just go and sulk for half an hour and wonder what's wrong with me.

Resolving to not play ultimate for the rest of the summer really feels like dying for me. Not just that but it feels like the easy way out in some sense. Isn't it cowardly to not trust for self-control and just play the freakin' game like a normal person? Yet still, when I look back at Christ's words, there it is, staring me in the face, convicting me.

The sweet lemons in the whole deal: if Christianity is made up, there's no way it's inventors would have made it this hard.